Tag Archives: Critical Thinking Skills

Unlocking Student Success: The Power of a Balanced Assessment System

Within education, assessments serve as a crucial foundation for evaluating student progress and measuring the efficacy of instructional methods. However, the conventional perspective of assessments, often limited to standardized tests or final exams, falls short of providing a comprehensive understanding of a student’s capabilities and journey. In response to this limitation, the concept of a balanced assessment system has emerged, highlighting the importance of diverse assessment tools and methods to assess a student’s learning experience accurately.

A balanced assessment system takes a multifaceted approach, incorporating various forms of assessments, including formative, summative, interim, and performance-based assessments. This approach aims to offer educators a holistic view of a student’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. As renowned educator Margaret Heritage noted, “A balanced assessment system consists of a range of assessments, each designed to serve a specific purpose, and together providing a complete picture of student learning.”

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