Tag Archives: Educational innovation

Unleashing Innovation: Dive into Kent ISD’s AI Summit 2024 Journey!

“A very solid event that has emboldened me to dip my toes into the AI pool, with the goal of wading by the end of next school year.” was what one participant said as they left Kent ISD’s AI Summit this Spring.

On April 29 over 100 education leaders representing principals, teachers, coaches, counselors, specialists, and district administration packed into Kent ISD to share a meal and learn about artificial intelligence. 

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Leading Beyond Walls: The Role of Teacher Leaders in Education

In the book Teacher Leadership That Strengthens Professional Practice, Charlotte Danielson defines teacher leadership as a “set of skills demonstrated by teachers who continue to teach students but also have an influence that extends beyond their own classrooms to others within their own school and elsewhere.”  

The Role of Teacher Leaders

Teacher leaders inform, inspire, and impact students and staff as they strive toward collaboration to carry out their school’s goals and mission of improving student achievement.  

Danielson explains that although some teacher leaders have a formal role, “teacher leadership is spontaneously exercised by teachers in response to a need or an opportunity through work with colleagues.”  

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