Category Archives: STEM

CSEdWeek in Michigan: Bridging Gaps in Computer Science Education

Written by Keith Tramper, Education Technology Consultant

December is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s a time to break from our daily routine, be with our loved ones, celebrate holidays, and welcome (or weep) the colder weather. But my favorite part is that it starts with Computer Science Education Week! To observe this year’s CSEdWeek happening December 4-10, millions of people around the globe will engage with the Hour of Codecelebrate leaders in computer science, have thoughtful conversations about technology’s impact on our communities, and more. How will you be celebrating CSEdWeek? 

Michigan’s Push for K-12 Computer Science Education

In Michigan, there are over 14,000 job openings in computer science, with an average salary of $95,000. To prepare students for these opportunities, districts across Kent County and the state strive to create K-12 computer science programs. According to the annual State of CS Education report, 55% of public high schools in Michigan offer computer science courses, which is 9% higher than in 2021-22. While these efforts move Michigan in the right direction, we still fall below the national average (57.5%). Preparing all Michigan’s 1.4 million students for computer science requires a commitment beyond the education and industry sectors.

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How North Godwin Empowered Education: Turning STEM Dreams into Reality

Written by Karen Baum, Instructional Specialist Godwin Heights Public Schools

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) is a fantastic way to engage students in learning about the world around them, develop their problem-solving skills, and provide them with hands-on learning where they can create, collaborate, and think critically. We wanted North Godwin students to have STEM experiences where they could enjoy this type of 21st-century learning, but where to start?

The Journey Begins

Conversations about STEM learning goals began in the Fall of 2019. We worked with Kent ISD consultants Marcus Deja, Wendi Vogel, and Keith Tramper. We discussed what other districts were offering students for STEM learning, and we looked at published programs available for elementary students, like Engineering in Elementary STEM Education (EIE). However, we didn’t find any program that seemed the right fit for our community of learners. Equity was our priority, and we realized that we needed to make our program available to all students to achieve it. To achieve this goal, we decided to offer STEM opportunities during the school day, and we made teacher professional learning central to the design of our program. As we continued to plan for the new year, March 2020 brought COVID and school closures, and our STEM plans were quickly put on the back burner. 

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The Rise of Esports: Why it Matters for STEM Education

College students participating in esports received $16 million in scholarship money from 2018-2019. Esports are multiplayer video games played competitively in front of the spectators. In 2023, the amount of scholarship money has risen to $21 million. The growth of esports continues to keep pace with the increasing popularity and cultural significance.

The idea of using video games as a platform for official competition with students isn’t new, but the ease of implementation has allowed it to flourish in schools. Just watch a few minutes of the 1990 Nintendo World Championship. Yes, it is an old video from a time long gone, but it took the full resources of Nintendo and Blockbuster (rest in peace) to plan and arrange this.

With the tools available now, just about every school can provide a Nintendo World Championship experience for their students and community. Esports can easily exist, and it can also provide a scholastic experience for students. 

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20+ Best Gift Ideas to Engage Children in STEM Learning

We are fast approaching the gift giving season, and I find myself thinking more and more about the gifts I purchase for my kids. Many gifts, often toys, are given one day and disregarded the next. As an educator and a dad I think the most valuable and enduring gifts are the ones that allow kids to learn while they are having fun.

As I wrestle with these thoughts, the sound of my toddler systematically breaking into the Tupperware cupboard sings in the background. It occurs to me in the midst of all the destruction, she is like many children, a natural-born engineer. In this instance my job is to nurture that creativity and clean up afterwards. 

There are many STEM related gifts that allow kids to have fun while engaging in career-centered learning. Based on authentic and popular trends with STEM education we have three focus categories: prototyping, computer science, and building curiosity within content. 

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The Right Climate for Microlearning

Written by: Keith Tramper, Kent ISD Education Technology Consultant

Professional learning for educators is shifting dramatically with the challenges schools and educators face today. With sub shortages, staff illness, a shrinking teacher workforce and frequent disruptions due to Covid 19, professional learning is hard to even consider. At the same time, the circumstances our schools and educators face right now increase the need for professional learning to meet the evolving needs of our learners. 

With limited time, energy and capacity, the question becomes how do we provide relevant, meaningful and flexible professional learning under the current circumstances? At Kent ISD, we are exploring microlearning as a way to meet the needs of our educators.

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Join MiELA to Discover How You Can Incorporate Multiple Literacies to Enhance STEM in Your Classroom

Are you a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade teacher looking to incorporate STEM placed-based and project-based learning into your classroom? Are you looking for professional resources to help you get started in this type of teaching/learning? Keep reading to find out how to incorporate STEM project-based learning!

What is Multiple Literacies Project-Based Learning?

Dr. Annemarie Palincsar, distinguished educator and researcher at U of M, and Dr. Joe Krajick, director of Create for STEM, teamed up to create science project-based units that incorporate both language and mathematics literacy for upper elementary students. This approach, called Multiple Literacies Project-Based Learning (ML-PBL), engages students in phenomena to help them make sense of the world using writing; speaking and listening; representing and viewing; along with math skills. ML-PBL also includes English learner supports and lessons with an emphasis on equity. From figuring out why there are so many squirrels in our area but not stegosauruses, to learning about current weather and climate in regards to gardening, students will explore a vast array of phenomena. 

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STEM Career Connection: Connecting Classrooms with Careers

“STEM occupations on average will grow faster than non-STEM occupations and provide higher wages”  – Bureau of Labor Statistics

STEM education prepares students for what’s next by bridging the gap between academics and careers. Through the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics students learn how to solve complex real-world problems. Using a STEM approach helps students build valuable problem-solving skills as they develop and apply solutions to important real-world challenges. Continue reading STEM Career Connection: Connecting Classrooms with Careers